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More House School

Leadership Opportunities

The Prefect System

Managed and directed by our Head Boy and his Deputies, the prefect body (usually about ten in number) is an ever-evolving unit of respected senior pupils who seek to lead by example. As well as assisting with the smooth running of our Sixth Form community and offering sound and measured advice to the Head of Sixth Form, we try to give our prefects specific roles both to use and refine their individual skill-sets. On a day-to-day basis, our prefects will assist various members of staff with their pastoral and curriculum duties, whilst on special occasions, the School looks to its prefects to be ambassadors, visitor-guides and even public speakers. All applicants are interviewed formally and regular meetings, led by the Head Boy with the Head of Sixth Form in attendance, help with co-ordination and planning.

Pupil Voice

Sixth Form students make vital contributions to the school’s ‘Pupil Voice’ meetings. These are intended to allow students to participate in whole-school strategic planning. Responsibilities for the chairing, minuting and publicity related to these regular and influential meetings will frequently fall to Sixth Form students with a aptitude for organisation and a passion for the democratic process.

The Tuck Shop

Something of a More House institution, our blue and white striped tuck shop sits outside the Sixth Form main building at the foot of ‘The Shire’ and provides students (and staff-members) of all ages with much needed sweet treats. Thanks to the tireless efforts of our Sixth Form staff, and the sharp business instincts of a regular crew of volunteers, this commercial enterprise always turns a healthy profit which is – of course – used to fund various projects that benefit the Sixth Form community.

More House School

Moons Hill, Frensham,
Farnham, Surrey,
GU10 3AP.

T: 01252 792303