At More House we believe in building character as much as we are dedicated to fostering academic achievement. The school tailors its processes to meet individual need and is strong in its commitment to caring for the ‘whole’ child; the staff take seriously their duty of care to pupils and monitor physical, emotional and mental wellbeing closely.
Wellbeing is a developing and emerging area of the school, with established practices and new initiatives. We aim to teach both an explicit and implicit curriculum to enable boys to grow and flourish alongside achieving academically. We believe in a whole-school approach, which is staff-led and places the students at its core.
All staff are responsible for promoting good mental health and emotional wellbeing, but it is the form tutors who play a major role in supporting wellbeing. Our form tutors and heads of year are usually the first point of call for pupils and parents, but we also have on-site counsellors, nurses and a lay-chaplain.
A team of staff works on shaping the curriculum, and supporting staff in embedding a wellbeing ethos throughout the school, to raise awareness, foster good mental health and bring about positive change.
It is possible that any pupil during their time at the school may exhibit anxiety or low self-image, leading to reduced levels of achievement, determination and engagement. Therefore, significant emphasis is placed on wellbeing to include raising self-esteem and reducing anxiety - for example:
- Staff are trained to be aware of causes for concern, such as poor health, anxiety or low mood, and to recognise the signs that a pupil is feeling of anxious or low;
- Reward systems are in place for all pupils and the school acknowledges the need to praise and reward in various ways - for those who need more than the standard incentive methods, individual reward systems are designed;
- PSHEE lessons educate and inform individuals, raising the awareness of wellbeing and promoting positive mental health; we aim to develop a supportive culture, ethos and environment that can serve as a buffer to difficult circumstances.