The Catholic foundation upon which More House School is built looks to Christ as the perfect model of love for all our friendships and interactions to emulate, irrespective of individual beliefs and backgrounds. Chaplaincy helps us to:
Celebrate Our School
Pupils often take an active role in the formation of materials and delivery of our assemblies, liturgies and celebrations of the Mass. Our liturgies focus on the seasons of Christmas and Easter, whilst our assemblies allow us to reflect on the real-life application of Christian values such as kindness, generosity, loyalty and respect. Mass is celebrated periodically throughout the year in the chapel—a place of quiet reflection located in the heart of the school grounds.
Provide Formation/Focus on the Whole Person
As well as academic excellence, our school encourages students to develop a spirituality which helps them to see beyond the physical and material, helps them in times of need, and which gives them strength and confidence in their everyday lives.
Chaplaincy works closely with the PHSEE and the Wellbeing departments to fulfil this aim.
Embrace Others/Be Inclusive
Social respect is a very important element of life at More House and this ethos is embedded into everything we do. Chaplaincy shows us how we can hold our own beliefs and yet maintain meaningful, inclusive relationships and learn from those who believe differently to us.
Support Our Boys
Above all else, the Chaplain's raison d'etre is to reflect the values and beliefs of More House in her pastoral support for the whole school community. The Chaplain provides an open and listening presence and is available to meet with students on a one-to-one basis.