University updates and opportunities
The success of the Sixth Form cannot be measured solely upon results or numbers, nor even enjoyment. Its true purpose is to prepare students for their future, helping them to choose a meaningful and attainable next step.
For some, this will be university, and students are guided through the UCAS process from start to finish, receiving all the support they need to ensure their applications are of the highest quality. From Oxford to Maastricht and from York to New York, More House alumni have gone on to study all manner of subjects. Over the years we have established several good links with universities that seem particularly well-equipped to provide the continuity of support that is vital to our students when they take that brave leap, and we believe this helps us to help them make the right choice of HE destination.
Increasingly our Sixth Formers will choose to seek employment with training or one of the growing number of exciting apprenticeships. The school has a dedicated and experienced Careers Advisor who meets regularly with every student throughout his time in ‘The Shire’ to help guide him down the various paths that are available. The school is doubly blessed in this regard in that we have parents from a broad range of vocations and work environments who can provide valuable ‘inside information’ about changing employment patterns and opportunities. Indeed, several of these parents have been kind enough to come in and talk to our students about their career paths.
The support that students receive does not end here. We like to remain in touch with past pupils, and in the November after their departure they are invited back to the school for a celebratory evening. There is also a former-pupils’ Facebook page and we also maintain an active Alumni list, encouraging former pupils to visit us when they can.