Good Schools Guide

Trusted by parents for over 30 years, the guide includes unbiased and candid school reviews and in-depth articles on education-related issues.
The Good Schools Guide is the UK’s number one school guide, helping parents in every aspect of choosing the best education for their children.
Uniquely, each school is selected on merit alone. No one can buy their way into the GSG’s good books. And from famous names to local treasures, their writers visit every single school, interview the head, speak to pupils and parents, analyse academic performance and challenge the marketing hype. Result? The fearsomely frank and funny reviews for which they are famous.
Over 1,200 schools are reviewed by GSG. In addition, the GSG website has details of all 30,000+ schools in the UK, plus a wealth of insightful information on virtually all English schools - even if GSG has not visited and reviewed them.
The GSG website also provides a comprehensive collection of advice and education data on state and independent schools, tutors, special needs, university choice and much more. Plus, GSG is known worldwide for its tailor-made advice and support, which involves educational consultants helping individual families as they make important decisions on school choices.
The Good Schools Guide is independent, forthright, well-informed and unbiased, which gives it unique authority and has earned the trust of parents and educational organisations worldwide.
The More House secret ingredient is the Learning Development Centre or LDC, which has expanded over the years to comprise a small army of SLTs, OTs and literacy and numeracy specialists, who provide integrated support across all subjects. In addition all teaching staff are formally trained in specific learning needs, to adapt the curriculum to different learning styles, ‘They manage to create a tailored experience for each child’, a mum said. Speech and language therapy is available to all students in the middle and lower schools, as part of the normal timetable. Where children had previously suffered the humiliation of being singled out by missing lessons for work with a therapist, these students attend in small groups for regular short periods, ‘So many have hated being withdrawn’, commented the director of therapies, ‘They work out that the other boys are the same as them, they face the same struggles’.