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More House School

Year Eleven Exam Results 2024

Congratulations to our Year 11s as they receive their exam results!

Today we welcomed many of this year’s Year 11 cohort back to school to celebrate their success on this GCSE and BTEC Level 2 results day. Pupils and their families met in Bradbury Heights to catch up with friends and congratulate each other on their success. The Headmaster and members of teaching, therapeutic and support staff also joined the occasion.


Our school community congratulates each and every student on their hard work and tenacity in the face of challenge, and for achieving such remarkable results at the end of their GCSE journey.


This year’s fantastic Year 11 students have, again, beaten the national averages for grade 9-4 GCSE passes overall, and in English and Mathematics. What an achievement! All 61 candidates have overcome the challenges of Dyslexia, Developmental Language Disorder or associated special educational needs, and 77% are the subjects of Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs).



GCSE and Level 2 BTEC results combined


70% 9-4, A*-C or Distinction*-L2 Pass

54% secured at least five 9-4 or Distinction*-L2 Pass grades

46% secured at least five 9-4 equivalent grades including

GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics


16% gained at least one A*-A equivalent grade (9-7, or Distinction*-Distinction)

26% gained at least one A*-B equivalent grade (9-6, or Distinction*-Merit)


GCSE only

including Design…Engineer…Construct!

68%  9-4 (A*-C)

beating England (male) national average by 4% points!


Level 2 BTEC only

27%  Distinction*-Merit (equivalent to GCSE 9-6, or A*-B)

81%  Distinction*-L2 Pass (equivalent to GCSE 9-4, or A*-C)


56%  achieved 9-4 pass in GCSE English

beating England (male) national average!

63%  achieved 9-4 pass in GCSE Mathematics

beating England national average by 3% points!

75%  achieved a 9-4, or Distinction*-L2 Pass in a Science


Headmaster, Jonathan Hetherington, recognised as “fantastic” the achievement of young people with literacy, language-processing and attention difficulties achieving exam results better than national averages.  He commented “More House School’s mission is to empower our pupils to transform their futures” and spoke of the importance of raising aspirations and building students’ self-belief.


We are excited to welcome back many of our Year 11 pupils in September into our Sixth Form provision and wish the very best of luck to those who are going on to study or train at other schools and colleges.


We wish our Year 11 leavers the very best of luck and hope that many choose to stay in touch through our Alumni Association!

More House School

Moons Hill, Frensham,
Farnham, Surrey,
GU10 3AP.

T: 01252 792303