Top of the Pods!
Since Janaury 2018 students and teachers have watched 3487 Pods
So far this academic year 7711 Pods have been watched.
Academic Year Update: 7711
This is the total number of Pods watched by students and teachers in and out of school so far this academic year (1st Sept 2017 - 22nd March 2018).
Need a benchmark? The average number watched for an establishment of your size (between 0 and 200 Year 10+11 students combined) is 2633.
Total Pods Watched During Last Term: 3487
This is the total number of Pods watched by our students and teachers in and out of school between1st Jan and 22nd March 2018.
Need a benchmark? The average number watched for an establishment of your size (between 0 and 200 Year 10+11 students combined) was 1347.
Academic Year Target Setting:
As a guide, in the whole of last academic year (2016/17) your students and teachers watched 11968 Pods.
On average, schools of your size watch 3513 Pods in a whole academic year.
Top 3 Subjects Last Term
Out of the 21 subjects on GCSEPod these were the three most used during the last term.
Top 3 Students Last Term
'Charles Cross'
'Alistair Campbell'
'Samuel Tilley'
These are our stars last term!
Some outstanding usage from your top three student users who have clearly got the GCSEPod bug!
Top 3 Teachers Last Term
Making it into your teacher hall of fame … drum-roll please! These are the teachers who watched the most Pods on GCSEPod last term.
Mrs Knight
Mrs Woods
Mrs Smith
Setting assignments on GCSEPod saves teachers' time and can support flipped learning, homework and assessment. 115 assignments were set by our teachers last term.